Saturday, September 10, 2011

Trying to gain control

I have not written my thoughts for many months and the reason for that is that I did not want to face the reality that I had lost control with my eating habits.. But a moment turned into a day and a day turned into weeks and then months!

Emotional eating is like a train that is hard to get off and what I am starting to realise is that it will always be a wound I will have to attend to but I have to believe I can gain more control and stay focused for longer and teach myself to work through my emotions instead of using food as the escape.

So life goes on and I am committed to to reaching my health and weightloss goals... :)

Monday, May 30, 2011

Getting through the weekend!

Well Monday is here again and I am heading into week 2 of the 12wbt! Weekends have always been my hardest time to stick to the plan but I am a happy girl this morning because I did stick to the plan over the weekend. I wasn't able to burn 1000calories on one training session over the weekend due to commitments with my kids but I was able to do a training session on my own for an hours on Saturday and then my friend Chila smashed me on Sunday morning with a stair workout that I have never experienced before! It was a set of stairs that must have been a total of 80 if not even more that I ran up and down numerous times and then running, pushups, dips etc.. I was breathless and could not speak lol and today my legs are really really sore but I am so glad I did it. In the moment I thought I might pass... It once again reminds me that I can work harder than I think and positive talk is vital. A few times I said "I can't" only to be yelled out my Chila... "yes you can!"

So Saturday was crazy with being at the gym the dropping my daughter off to choir and then my hubby and I looked at a new car in which we will be buying so we ended up taking much longer than planned and it was 1pm and I had not eaten since 8am so I was starving... I was offered a biscuit that I said no to and thankfully we found a subway in which I had a turkey and salad wrap!

Sunday was my treat meal out to lunch at the local pub and I enjoyed every minute of it but chose to not each much of the potato mash to save on calories.

This morning I woke up at 4.30am and at the gym by 5.20am I did some running and then a Body attack class. It has been a while since I have been in that class and I noticed that I was able to keep up so much better than before even with my legs being so sore. I was happy..

Anyway have to run and get to much to do :)

Friday, May 27, 2011

It's Friday and Day5!

It's good to be at Day 5, I didn't like Day 4 for some reason I just found it hard more tempted to eat to many calories and just felt a little emotional. It probably didn't help that I ended the day watching the 2nd last Oprah show! No really what an incredible women who has impacted on so many lives around the world. I was crying and I am sure I will cry watching her final show.

It was awesome to be on Michelle's live feed last night and to read all the questions people have I like though that Michelle reminds all of us to not over think it, keep it simple, don't compare with others and go for it. That still is hard for me I do compare and I know that it doesn't get me anywhere. I also know the first few weeks are the hardest even though I am the lightest I have been in 4 years I know these next few kilos are going to be tough to shed but I remind myself the only way to get there is to push through every barrier and exercise that "will power muscle".

So I am about to leave for the gym my plan is to do 15-20minutes of running/walking before RPM as I know that will tip my calories burnt to over 500. I have a super Sunday planned this week my good friend Chila a personal trainer is taking me out to a park to run stairs and I am sure alot of other hard work so I thankful that she is happy to support me.

I just have to say my kids are the best, they are my biggest fan club, they tell me everyday how beautiful I am and say things like "mum, your looking so slim" Bless their hearts, they are amazing.

So better run... so glad to be at Day 5. I can't wait for the Chicken Burgers for dinner tonight. Yum, my kids are also loving the dinners the are raving about them.

Here's to an incredible FRIDAY :)

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

It's a juggling Act!

I have had one of those mornings that not all has gone to plan BUT I have not fallen off the wagon just realising that to keep up with everything I have to be even more organised than I am right now! My alarm went off a 4.30am although I didn't get out of bed till 4.40am which I really should have been up by 4.30am. I left for group training on time and arrived in the pitch black at the park to have an awesome training with my favourite PT Chila and some new faces. When I went to leave my car battery had died so that delayed getting home and mornings are normally a minute to minute routine to fit in training and get all 3 kids out the door by 7.40am. Oh well things did not happen that way today lol.

I really want to track my progress and stick to my commitments so I thought I would re write them down here today so I know what I have said on the forums that I would commit to!

Ok so here it is...

100 push ups a day
100 sit ups a day
No alcohol for Round 2
Write in blog at least 3-4 times a week
Write in Food/Exercise diary daily
Writing a blog on Monday's to share with other 12wbt's

So I think that is the daily/weekly commitments I have made to help with my over all commitment of becoming the best version of myself. I have created a spreadsheet to help me keep track of all of these things. The easiest one is the no alcohol I am not much of a drinker but the few times I did have some drinks in the last round it really blew out my calorie intake which is really just not worth it!

So I just have to try a little more each day to make sure I have this house hold running to plan so I don't lose the plot. hehe.. Ok, back to work much to do!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Mindset monday ... First blogging challenge!!!!!

If you can dream it you can achieve it!!!
August has come around so fast and here I am getting ready for my second group training with Michelle Bridges. Today is different because I am home with my children and they get to see my excitement and even come and watch me work out. I have turned my health and life around for me but to be able to live a healthy and fit life is to show my children that it is possible and inspire them to always make it apart of their life!

Wow I love being a size 10 I love that I have now lost a total of 34kg's! I love that when I have my gym clothes on that I look awesome! with a flat tummy and skinny legs! 

I am excited, I feel so proud of who I have become every part of me has changed. I don't just smile on the outside now to cover the pain in my soul my happiness and enthusiasm for life comes from deep within my heart.

It's now time to get ready for the party to celebrate this last 12 weeks of my life. To celebrate that I committed to the plan of 4am starts and pushing myself harder every time I trained to not miss an opportunity of being the best version of myself. There were times that I could have fallen even jumped off the wagon but I chose to stay strong. It wasn't always easy but it was worth every great decision I made and the peace and satisfaction I feel inside far out ways the instant gratification of a piece of chocolate or mindless binge!

I love the dress I am wearing this is the first time in 8 1/2 years that I have worn a dress that exposed my arms and also without wearing a jacket to cover up the bulges!

It feels amazing... I almost can't believe it, that really is me standing in the mirror. Honestly I feel content, I feel at peace and I feel like I can take on any challenge that comes my way. I have dreamt about this moment since I was 8 years of age, the moment when I look in the mirror and happy with the reflection I see... Tonight this is my moment, I have worked hard, cried many tears and all of it was worth it to see who I see in the mirror... The best version of me! :)

Today this is a reality not just a dream.... 

And it begins! is amazing how it is easy to have a great attitude and mental focus at the beginning of something new! I am trying to bottle these thought processors and attitude to get me through the next 12 weeks. I have to say I am really excited to see how my body continues to change as I lose more weight as also as I spend more time on the forums to hear about everyone's journey the good and the bad!

I am really happy about my fitness test so far, I still have to finish the wall sit and stretching but I ran my 1km time trial this morning and I ran it in 5min 52seconds! So in 3 months I have improved my time by 2 minutes. I am now very eager to see how I go in another 4 weeks. The other exciting part of my day is I had a doctors appointment to get blood tests and also a check up as I was part of a weight loss program that worked along side your doctor and my waist measurement has dropped by 22cm in the last 12 months overall which is fantastic!!!

So today I am on top of the world... I plan to work hard to keep it that way!
I did do about 40minutes at the gym this morning with cross trainer and treadmill but I am going back tonight to do a bit more, maybe a RPM class.

I have all food ready for the day, had a yummy snack of 2 vita-wheats with about 30g of cottage cheese with some sweet chilly sauce mixed in. Yum Yum and from my calculations under the 150calories.

Ok, I better get back to some more work! :)

Saturday, May 21, 2011

I did some mental preparation today!

Ok, there has been no super Saturday for me today due to having to take my son to a gymnastics competition early this morning and then went looking for a new car with my hubby and kids. So tomorrow morning I am going to fit it in around another busy day.

I took some time to look through the photos from that my hubby took at the group training session in Melbourne last weekend and although since losing 16kg's I am not as horrified to see myself in photo's but you can imagine photos of me running, bum in the air are not the most pleasant of pictures... anyway I was getting a little depressed because I can clearly see the 20kg's that still need to come off. I have spent some time thinking about that over the last few hours and had to slap myself around a few times and remind myself of the commitment I have made and wrote as part of my mission of the 12wbt....

"My commitment to my children, my hubby and to Mish is to never give up on becoming the best version of myself with my body, heart and soul. That if I fall I will get back up again, that my internal and emotional issues with food and at times my self doubt will not stop me from reaching my goals. I will remind myself daily that 'I was created to be healthy, fit, energetic and I can achieve all my goals. All things are possible to those who believe!'
No holding back..ill see you at the finish line :)"

I may not be able to wish my weight away and it magically disappear but I can transform not just my body through losing weight but every part of my life. I know each kilo I lose my confidence grows.

Tonight my hubby and I are going out to dinner with my personal trainer and another girl that I train with to have a "last supper" so to speak before round 2 begins. I will also have my last glass of wine for 12 weeks as I have decided no alcohol till after round 2.
